Cologne Pride

03/07/2022 10:00 - 16:00


Parade Truck

Price:27.00 €
Sales ended.
No tickets available
For the first time in Diversifly's history, we will be present with a truck at the Cologne Pride. You can register for the truck or for the walking group. Either way, you will receive a free T-shirt in Eurowings Design.
Please do not register twice! This only leads to more effort on our side. We will change your ticket registration and automatically into the Walking Group (and change the fee) when you are not lucky with the truck registration.
All seats on our trucks are drawn in a lottery. The drawing will be performed mid of June. We will inform you by e-mail. Registration is open for all LHG staff plus partners / friends. Registrations must be submitted until June 14th at 23:59.
All registrations to the Cologne Pride include a T-shirt in Eurowings Design. Please choose your size accordingly. You will receive the shirt while checking in to the pride on July 3rd. The exact measures can be seen at the attached images.
Attention! You will pay the registration fee only after confirmation. The fee cannot be refunded when you miss out on the event. Tickets are non-transferable.

By this organizer: