Stuttgart Pride
27/07/2024 10:00 - 16:00

Walking Group
Price:Free Ticket
Sales ended.
No tickets available |
Attention: All truck tickets will be on waitlist until the lucky drawing (see below)We will be present with a truck at the Stuttgart Pride this year. You can register for the truck or for the walking group. Either way, you will receive a free T-shirt. Please choose your size when ordering. You will receive the shirt while checking in to the pride.Please do not register twice! This only leads to more effort on our side. We will change your ticket registration and automatically into the Walking Group (and change the fee) when you are not lucky with the truck registration.Please notice that we will permit registrations only when you consent to the capturing of photos and videos and its publication. Please refrain from participation when you do not agree to this condition.Only employees and their companions are eligible for participation. You will require one ticket for each person, including yourself.
Please register for the Walking Group only when you are not registered for the truck ticket.All registrations to pride include a T-shirt. Please choose your size accordingly. You will receive the shirt while checking in to the pride on July 15th.Tickets are non-transferable.